Friday, October 26, 2007

Technologies in the faith

Nooma Videos. These videos are considered wonderful teaching tools. Rob Bell, who is the pastor of Mars Hill Christian Church is the creator of these thought provoking messages via video. His ministry is all about being relavant and challenging people to seek God through truth and finding meaning in things again. However one of his teaching tools is the videos he has created.

I think that there are pros and cons to using video. Pros is that it can be distributed to a large array of people all over the world communicating the message of Jesus Christ, it can add special effects that may keep the attention of contemporary audiences better than a speaker could. Cons is that he is not right there with us... it could be seen as impersonal, it could be seen as just a money maker or as acting. I think that the older generation may feel a greater social distance between the speaker and themselves than perhaps the newer generations. Some may feel a lack of personal interaction which can be perfectly understandable. However is the technology getting in the way of the speaker or is it aiding the speaker to communicate I would argue it aids the speaker in the case of Ron bell. It does give me a sense to want to see him in person, thinking that his biblical teaching would perhaps be more profound in person than on video.

After all this I think we still desire face to face communication above all.


The test that we took in class on Thursday is a very explicit example of the handwritten fading out and the typed form of communication becoming more prevelant. I feel like this trend will become more and more popular in the next few years and very quickly as well. I have heard many people comment on liking typing rather than writing things out by hand. I think there are many reasons for this.

1. Some people like the neatness and professionalism of typing better than something that is hand written
2. Some are just more fluent in thought and word when typing.
3. It takes less time.

THere are two theories that come to mind here and that is the FAST fast fast of Sochay's immutable laws ... typing is faster why not just type? Why take the time to personally write a note with a pen or email it?

Secondly people may have spent the time to hand write their work. People may have spent the time to think things through while writing it out. However people are replacing that time with the time it takes to type (less time) and adding other activities. Still spending the same amount of time just differently. (Relative Consistency)

Why haven't we heard?

The first time I heard about the "big Digital TV" switch was in class this week. My question is why have we not heard about this information that will surely change the face of Television forever? Television is the way that many messages are sent, whether it be about new products, communicating cultural characteristics in our society, or important news that is vital to our understanding? With that said why has the FCA hesitated to educate Americans about D TV? I have few thoughts on this.

Well as we mentioned in class the timing has been really off. It is proven that an effective Communication Technology is one that comes out when society is ready for it. Digital TV has been around for a few years but has been far too expensive for anyone to buy... so how can people be knowledgeable about DTV when it is seen as an outlandishly priced electronic. Slowly the price has been declining and which is paving the way for a DTV or HD-TV to be the household standard.

Another thought is that with the postmodern view and lifestyle becoming more widely excepted the value of image has increased. One of the selling factors of HD TV is image clarity. Image has been the way we see reality- "seeing is believing" was THE advertising slogan for Disney when they were marketing the Blue Ray HD -dvds. So as word has faded out, better image quality has become a priority.

With these two movements now in place and the foundational knowledge about DTV, the campaigns will most likely become more common, that is my prediction at least. And People rememeber what is right in front of them, not things that was advertised years before hand.

Wednesday, October 3, 2007

Journal 1

REBELLING AGAINST VIRTUAL LECTURES. Using a video or even the discussion board was not a very positive experience. Because I tend to be an optimist, I did not mind going through these methods of learning because I see the value in using Communication Technology but I think it did multiple negative things.

First of all with the video there was a definite gap created between the instructor and the class. We could see him as impersonal, and frankly irresponsible not willing to interact with us. He could not have answered any questions.

The discussion board gave us no visual and could have been very selective to certain types of learning. Personally I do not think that our culture has enough value in the Technology way of communicating and values face to face conversation and interact much more. The negative theories all come into play here. We are feeling more and more distant (at this point) when technology is valued more than face to face interaction.

What does God say about us being techy

Journal 4

The biblical perspective of communication technology can be quite difficult I believe. Because I am pretty sure that we never find the word technology in the bible. However even though that exact word is not used I think we can make some interpretations by listening to other passages that include things such as integrity or fulfilling the great commission or other holy mandates in the Word.

The God I have come to God is a personal God, he is loving in the purest sense of the word and he desires to restore and redeem creation, asking us to become more and more like himself. So if God is a relational God does he feel threatened through computer mediated communication or does he just role with the punches? I think that when relationship is at risk of being injured, whether that be with his people and himself or we are hurting each other, then Communication technology is creating a gap, and has a negative affect. But Communication technology has also helped mass audiences hear the message of Christ. Some of the largest worldwide broad casts have been through the Billy Graham Evangelistic Association and I am sure many have made a decision to have a personal relationship with Christ through these video broadcasts. However I think that as followers of Christ that we should have follow up with as many people as we can, to make a bridge between just a decision and a relationship.

Many people are affected my pictures, movies, music, and all these things can be associated with ComTech. All of these things have impacted the masses in positive ways. But I would also submit that because of the readily availability of pictures, these can be pornographic and because people can be isolated from accountability the person may develop addictions to such things. And this can be in reguards to gaming, gambling, unhealthy relationships that developed online etc.

Ellul's theory about images not always being truthful applies here. It is unhealthy or perhaps even sinful when our reality becomes what we see on the screen. We rely on pictures to tell us stories and to entertain us, but who said that pictures always tell the truth. They may be powerful but that does not mean that they are truthful.

Next Generation Communicators

Journal 3

When I think about the students that will be coming into college and then into the adult world, I get a little apprehensive and anxious. My reason for these feelings is because although I have seen communication technology aid interpersonal communication, I am also seeing a greater gap in the art of person to person communication.

More and more people are communicating over the phone, through text messaging, IM a video web cam, etc. And although much of their conversations may be casual, some are indeed very heated, or deal with conflict or even deep relational topics. As we learned in class on Tuesday, the most common way for a Junior high student to end a dating relationship is through an online conversation. In my mind this is wimpy and cheap. They do this because the risk of seeing someone's reaction and having hurt feelings is to high in person, so the conversation takes place online.

Perhaps that is only one example, but my question for us is, How does that affect our ability to vulnerable to one another? Are we going to need CMC (computer mediated communication) to voice or hurts or concerns because we are uncomfortable with someone's reaction. The art of speech, the joy of close friendship through experience could be lost.

So in effect our society is changing. These changes are altering the face of the next generation. There are both positive and negatives to this affect. They are seen above. My question is I wonder if we will progressively get more technologically dependent that it is unhealthy, and for some it already is. However I wonder what the future will look like, if technology will continue to drive our society or if we will get fed up and revert back to more "old fashioned" types of communication. I guess only time will tell.