Wednesday, November 14, 2007


I find generational gaps fascinating. I use email, my cell phone, and digital music on a daily basis, where my grandparents find many of these technologies very foreign to them. My grandma refuses to learn how to use email even though she is quite the talker on the phone, or my mom blames myself or my siblings when something goes wrong with the computer, because since we use it more we probably created the malfunction in the computer. My parents have used the internet for some practical purposes but for the most part still rely on paper or conventional methods before they turn to a computer. This makes me think of the various changes that will emerge in our generation.

As we marry have kids, will we be a past generation who is inept at the new technologies, having us at the mercy of our kids to teach us? Or will we be a generation that will keep up with the times? Since we have been so used to constant development and advancement in technology I wonder if we will be able to progress right along side the next generation because we are used to learning new Com Techs.

Obviously only time will tell, because Diffusion come into play, which generations will accept new technologies, or if our generation will continue to place the same importance on technology as we do today, ( what we will value in the future), or what our motivations will be in adapting in society. As I said only time will tell.

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