Wednesday, November 14, 2007

Technology Failing

In the past two weeks I have heard about more and more people speak of how slow their internet was, or their cell phone breaking or blackboard not working and this has turned into a feeling of frustration in their lives.

When technology fails it messes with our daily lives and makes us not only think about how much we may rely on technology but also we find other alternatives in completing our task. Now I was thinking about whether we are unhealthily dependent on technology or if has just simply become a method that we rely on just as we do in our ability to talk or hear. Email has become just about as effective as a phone call. Or where a hundred years ago when the writing letters was an important mode for communication, we would naturally get frustrated if the post services were down.

My theory for why we see technology as the bad guy is because technology has come into our lives very quickly and penetrated into many areas of our lives in both a good and bad manner. It diffused quickly and was first seen as a luxury and now it is becoming more and more of a necessity.

Unless it consumes us completely I have decided I am not that opposed to the way in which technology has diffused. And I think that we should acknowledge the realistic role it plays in our lives so that we can better examine it in the future...
How it affects our relationships- with God, family, friends.
How it affects our temperament.
how it affects society as a whole.

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